1 or multiple accounts

With a simple structure you can work within 1 account with different locations. However, there are several advantages to working with an account per location, such as better performance, higher privacy and user-friendliness. We discuss these differences on this page. When working from 1 account, you can choose to keep everything within 1 widget (e.g. the facility or resource becomes the location, as described here), or to use multiple specific widgets for specific appointment types or resources, so that only what's relevant is being shown.

Examples of working with multiple locations in 1 account with 1 widget are:One Day Clinic and Echocentrum Den Haag. Examples of working with 1 account but multiple widgets are: Knap Institute and Flawless.

What is good to know about working with 1 account is that there are a number of settings that you can only do once, the most important of which is the name of the sender of the messages to customers (the company name under Settings> Company settings). What else they are is difficult to indicate, since there are many options within the system and every company uses different components. A number of other examples:

  • The choice to work with user accounts can only be made once
  • The choice to choose a standard appointment type or standard resource can only be done once
  • The order of the appointment types can only be set once
  • The layout of invoices can only be done once
  • The customer payments can only be made on 1 account
  • The sender of text messages can only be set once
  • The invoice for the account comes in 1 name
  • The waiting list function can only be switched on or off and not per component
  • The texts in the widget can only be set once
  • The display size of the calendar in the backend can only be set once (so purely how large the blocks are there; 1 line per 30 minutes or 1 line per 5 minutes or 1 line per hour or that by default the per resource representation is shown or the week view)

The items above are mainly small components, the most important settings (in a general sense) are multi-adjustable. You can work best with a Pro account, as you can work with mail templates for appointment confirmation and reminders. In addition, you can set which questions are asked per appointment type (at the form where a customer enters last name and email address).

Would you like to learn more about using locations? Click here.

Would you like a full resolution with super-admin functions? Take your own domain, click here for an article about this option.