Indicate current state appointment

It is possible to indicate the current state of an appointment (waiting room feature). This feature comes in handy if, for example, a practitioner/instructor wishes to view the current state of the presence. You can make use of the waiting room feature upward of the Grow-package. To set a state, in the backend you go to the appointment of the specific customer. Subsequently, click on the appointment and edit the state by clicking on 'Add'.

In the screen that now appears, you can set the right state: Present, Appointment is ongoing, Appointment is finished, Absent without notification, or Absent with notification. Subsequently, the state of the appointment is indicated with little symbols. Also if mouse over the appointment, you can see the state of the appointment.

It is also possible to make a printout of the attendance sheet. For this, in the backend you go at the left hand side to 'Appointment Overview'. Subsequently filter the appointment by setting the date and the appointment type. After this, click on the row of 'State'. It is also possible to export the list to Excel.